Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Last Business Trip... EVAH!

One more...

I'll be leaving here in a couple of hours, and be back tomorrow evening.

Funny thing is, they're already planning on another one towards the end of the year. When they told me that, I was snickering quietly to myself.

If only they knew.

I've been actively looking for jobs, and I made a few decisions during my search. First of all, I'm not going to settle. I won't take a job I'm not excited about, even if it pays more. Secondly, I will be earning what I'm worth. Period.

I'm actually tempted to quit today, but this trip will give me a chance to go out tonight on the company card and have a lot of numbers on my bar tab. What're they going to do, fire me? MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


christelpistol said...

yeah... after all the cocktails you had last night... you sure you wanna really make your liver say OW?

Tenacious B said...

you know me---moderation.

Interesting concept. You should try it.