Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

Stumblers: If anything strikes your fancy, cover up your fancy and click the "I like it!" button on your taskbar.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Santa Clauz in the Hizzy!

My phone rings yesterday afternoon. Normally I don't answer if I don't recognize the number, but it was from a local number and I was already looking for an excuse to stop talking with a coworker.

*[insert random annoying ringtone here]*
Me: "Hello?"
They: "Santa?"
Me: "Excuse me?"
They: "Yes. Is this Santa?"
Me: "Not that I'm aware of. Can I help you with something?"
They: "I'm sorry. You were listed as a reference for Robert XXXXXX at this number."
Me: "Nope. Sorry, don't know him. But I can tell you he's been a very naughty boy."
They: "Ok, I'll list the number as 'invalid. Have a nice day."
Me: "Merry Christmas."

I stared at the phone for a bit.

The things that amazed me about this call:

  1. that someone actually listed Santa as a reference
  2. that a company would still call to check on it
  3. that Santa lives in Central Texas
  4. that they actually found me
I mean, what gave it away?



Nicole said...

May I please get your number?

I have a list I need to go over with you. Not enough time for mail.

Second thought; if you ARE in Central Texas, I COULD go over the list with you in person.

And no more of this pot calling the kettle black mister.


Vodka Mom said...

can I send you our Christmas letters? I have about 20 from my class. They can't really write, there are just lots of pictures, but I'm sure you'll be able to decipher them.

funny stuff.

Tenacious B said...

Ho indeed.

I will be taking requests, but due to how close it is to the deadline, I'll need those letters notarized, in triplicate, all sources cited.