Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

1 Girl 750 Cups

The new girl in my office told me she wanted to prank a guy named Eric for April Fool's. Eric's the OCD one, the kind of guy that flips if everything isn't at a 90ยบ angle. She wanted to Post-it his office. That sounded like fun, until it occurred to me... SHE'S the new one.

We work in a very conservative office (read: full of old guys) and just recently a newer generation has been coming in. Pranks were not really the norm.

Until now.


Here's her office.
Very orderly...

Very neat and tidy....

That simply will not do.

The materials:
400 12oz plastic cups
162 9oz paper cups
200 3oz paper cups
one 3qt pitcher
WAAY too much time on my hands.

Starting to lay them out in an orderly fashion

And then the floor

Still moving around the desk. I assumed I wouldn't have enough cups, and I was right. I should've doubled the plastic ones. But I pulled it off by spreading them just far enough apart so you can't get a foot between them.

Executive decision time. I couldn't fill the floor as it was, so I took off the cups from the back table and replaced them with paper. The open spots were for my big caveman feet to move around.

And on to the desk...

And the back table was transformed into...

wait for it...

At this point I started pouring water into the cups. Only about 1/4 full. I wanted to put in just enough water to be annoying (Bear in mind that the nearest sink is over 40 feet away down the hall).

My crowning achievement. For safety reasons I left the cups ON the desk empty.

It took about 8 trips with the pitcher to get water in all of them.

And I still didn't know what to do with the rest of the tiny 3oz cups, so I made a little patio inside the door.

I win.


L said...

I would have kicked your ass!

Anonymous said...

ahhh... absolutely perfect.

Nicole said...

That is brilliant!!

Who are you calling OCD :)

That said, I would have poured them all together and dumped them on you while you were on a smoke break.

Good times!!!

*Where is the photo of her seeing this for the first time? Hope she was a good sport.

Tom said...

But...but what happened next?!

Anonymous said...

Why do people think this shit is clever or funny?

And you left the cups on the desk empty? WHOA THAT IS HARDCORE

Tenacious B said...

Ok, just to let you know the fallback... She DID laugh, yell at me for not helping her, and vowed "bitter sweet, sweet revenge"

Tenacious B said...

Oh and finger?

Givin you one right back
