Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009


I stumbled across a post by Merrick over at Ain't It Cool. Apparently someone got his grubby little hands on the script for the next Muppet Movie.


A short excerpt (SPOILER ALERT):

"When Kermit decides to get the Muppets back together, he sends out the Muppet signal, ala the bat-signal. We then see where all the Muppets are and what they're doing. It's also a very funny sequences. Rowlf is working in a Kinko's run by cats. Gonzo is a crime fighter (including a cameo of Christian Bale in full Batman costume). The Electric Mayhem are performing in some dive bar in Alaska. Animal is in a celebrity rehab center for anger management."

This makes me happy on the inside.

I agree with TGG on this one. The last few Muppet movies were lauded with a thundering "meh," although I do have a love for the "cabin fever" scene in Muppet Treasure Island. Regardless, those last few ones missed the point of the Muppets.

They should be light, fun, and downright silly. This one looks promising.


Yes, I do own this shirt.

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