Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

Stumblers: If anything strikes your fancy, cover up your fancy and click the "I like it!" button on your taskbar.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ben Harper is a Chick Magnet

Any of you PBS watchers have to know about Austin City Limits. It's been going on for 34 years, with big names playing ranging from Stevie Ray Vaughn to Van Morrison to Norah Jones.

And I'm going.

More specifically I'm going to the taping of Ben Harper and Relentless7 tomorrow.

Lillith also scored tickets, so I was planning a double date. Unfortunately we are both single at the moment, so the problem of finding dates came up.

And this is where Lil becomes lame. She didn't want to find a date on short notice, and also didn't want to be a third wheel. So she's not going.


(In her defense she's not feeling well either, but still.)

Anyway, Dateless B did what you do when you need a date fast... Craigslist.
I put a quick post saying I have tickets to see Ben Harper around 3 yesterday afternoon, and by 10ish had at minimum eight responses. and even more by the time I got to work this morning.

Apparently Ben Harper makes girls happy in their naughty bits.

By lunch I had put together my finalists, three that A)sent pictures, B)were cute, and C)didn't seem too much like serial killers. Now any normal person would simply have them all meet in the Pit of Doom and have them fight to the death. But I'm more civilized. I had Lillith and Anna Rosannadanna send me their choices, and then I picked the cutest one.

Grats to Noe (no clue if that's her name, handle, or a word she plans on using).
See you tomorrow night.

Oh, and Lil....



Anonymous said...


Tenacious B said...


Glad you're feeling better.