Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

Stumblers: If anything strikes your fancy, cover up your fancy and click the "I like it!" button on your taskbar.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Douchebag of the Month!

Just got back from a four-day business trip. Going to bed now.

But in the meantime...

Found this over at our friends at Hairyballsack

Here's the background story: Okay guys here is the info on this voicemail. One of my friend's from work and her friend were out one night in the SF Marina district and were hanging outside of the bars trying to find a cab. One of the girl's, Olga ends up meeting this guy Dmitri and they talk for at the most 2 minutes. She hands him her business card and says call me.

Well attached is the actual voicemail that this guy left her. Wait till you hear it you will be laughing so hard you'll fall out of your chair.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to assume that she didn't call him back. Talk about being full of yourself. What a tool!

Tenacious B said...

I know, right?

And welcome back, btw.

Anonymous said...

What is this person THINKING when he says he's completely "normal" and that there's "nothing wrong" with him?! And to assume he's the only person that understands what passive aggressiveness is...uhmm...what's THAT all about?

The guy's a troglodyte, yet wishes to attract an elegant woman?! And, besides being boorish, he seems rather boring. Yeah...THAT'LL get my heart a-flutterin'! Ooohhhh...Dummy trea..Duh meat tree....oy.

Does this "intelligent" being know know what? he should look this up: NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER (NSD)is?

Poor guy.

I must have giggled too hard....I now have a headache...

Rock on, B!