Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Story Time!

Nothing to report today, so sit back and I'll tell you a story...

This happened a week and a half ago during my hiatus.

On the Friday night in question I had a date with a new chica (I was trying to come up with a nick for her but then thought, nah, I'll never be seeing her again so why bother?). But anyway, it was an... experience. I got home at about 3:30ish, and passed out.

At 8 in the am, there was a knock at my door, followed by an onslaught of doorbell rings and Murphy freakin the F out. The last time that happened it WAS rather urgent (no details), so I dragged my ass out of bed, put on some clothes laying on top of my hamper and went downstairs.

It was three kids from my complex. I was about to get really upset, as they usually pound on my door routinely to ask me to get their balls/frisbees/kites/snorkel from my patio.

Not this time. The ringleader, the 12yo daughter of the apartment manager looked at me and said "Don't come outside!" And then added, "wait until we come and get you."

In hindsight I should've been panicked and very concerned. But in my half-asleep state, I think I mumbled, "whatever," and closed the door, collapsing on the couch.

I had just dozed off again and the knocks and doorbell ringing started anew. Murphy began bouncing off the walls, barking in my ear with renewed vigor. It was her again with a shit-eating grin on her face, saying, "come outside and see your surprise!" Ok, I was a wee bit concerned at this point, but Murphy needed to go out anyway so I bit the bullet and stepped out into the sunshine.

She took my hand and walked me out to the parking lot and pointed at my truck.

"We washed it for you!"


"Why do I deserve such noble treatment," I asked.
"Well, you're always so nice to us. We wanted to do something nice for you."

It's not often I'm speechless.

About an hour later I went and got them all ice cream and root beers. And the rest of the weekend I was walking on air.

Thanks, guys.


catgal said...

Way to go, Bri...thanks for sharing....just goes to show you that there is still plenty of good in the world.

Fantastagirl said...

Wow - there are good kids in the world!

Tenacious B said...

Yeah there is!