Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Friday, March 30, 2007

Choosing a business name bites

I'm working on getting my own business started. I feel that I'm tired of making money for someone else. I want to help people. I came up with a way that I can enjoy what I do, be my own boss, make a difference in people's lives, and have fun while doing it. Plus, what I'm planning on doing will be something I can do in addition to my current job.

ChaCha (that's what I decided to call my Not-Girlfriend) and I were working on business names. It's interesting that the name isn't as important as the domain availability. Back in the day, all you really had to do was pick a name, register it with the state, and you're on your way. But now, we had to scrap several names simply because the domain name wasn't available. Has the internet become that important? Obviously it has. What sucks even more is that most of these domains aren't even used, and I'm not paying thousands of dollars to these brokers for the one I want.

Anyway, I think we decided on one. I won't mention it yet until I get the ok from Texas, but we really like it and we also like the acronym as well. Keeping my fingers crossed.


christelpistol said...

love it.

i want more.

Tenacious B said...

coming soon...

Anonymous said...

still biting my nails...