Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Saturday, March 31, 2007

I'm an insomniac. What's it to you?

I have trouble sleeping. No secret there. Ever since my teens, sleeping has never been something that I've been very good at. I'll stay up until 1 or 2 in the morning, fall asleep about an hour or two later, then run through my snooze button a few dozen times. Then the cycle continues. So when I have a day off, be it weekend, hooky, or holiday I will inadvertently fall asleep on the couch in the middle of something inane I've recorded (A recent Justice League episode this afternoon). And yet as little sleep as I get normally, a feeling of guilt creeps over me. "It's a beautiful day outside", the little voice says, "and you WASTED 2 HOURS of it asleep?"

Naps are a wonderful thing. I get that. But I never seem to allow myself the luxury of enjoying it. Perhaps awake time is such the norm that internally it's a waste of time to spend any time asleep. Maybe not. I have an Rx for Ambien for when it gets too bad, and I don't seem to mind sleeping 7 hours in a row. But once, just once, I'd love to take a nap on a Sunday afternoon and enjoy the hell outta it.


christelpistol said...

pssssssssst...... it's sunday.

Ian Townsend said...

Dude... insomnia is my life. Ask the sister. I can go DAYS....

so I feeeeeeeeeeeeeel your pain.

Tenacious B said...

We should start a club. We'll have meetings at 3am, when the world is ours.... BWAHAHAHAHAHA