Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Another Trip To Nowhere

I forget stuff.

A lot.

Some of you long time readers remember the business trip where I had to make two trips back home because I forgot my phone, then shoes.

My friends are a godsend. Lil in particular. First of all, she's been watching Murphy while I'm away on business (Thanks, hun). Secondly, she is my travel checklist. The second I leave, she sends me texts listing all my necessities to make certain I have everything. Her list is normally, "shoes. pants. laptop. phone. condoms. lube." She likes to be certain my bases are covered.

And yet I forget stuff.

Like the first trip of the season, 750 miles and three meetings in three days. I left A)my watch and B)my travel bag. But nothing a quick trip to the local Wally World couldn't resolve.

My three-day trip last week left me traveling sans socks, once again nothing that a small detour couldn't resolve.

So yesterday I made sure I had everything. I was certain. I didn't bring my blazer, but that was a conscious choice; mostly because after 3 weeks of hard traveling it's in bad need of cleaning (i.e. smells like ass).

I loaded up the truck, then grabbed Murphy to drop him off at Lil's, backed up, then pulled back into the spot so I could run in and grab my watch. Back up, then pull back. Run in, grab my printed directions to Beaumont. Pull out, pull back in, run in and get my sunglasses.

Welcome to my world.

Ok, ready to go this time. I get on the road about 3:30, singing "Rainbow Connection" at the top of my lungs and trying to ignore the five-hour drive ahead of me.

I made it out of town without incident and was trying to figure out where to have lunch. Around 4ish, Murphy started barking at some people walking down the road.

"Murphy, Hush!"


I forgot to drop the little bastard off. He, tail wagging, was having the time of his life going on a trip. The tail stopped briefly when I slowed down and headed back towards Austin.

I forget stuff.


Nicole said...

SOOOOO glad you didn't leave him on the roof.. Hoping Lil has food and water :D

Sorry about all the extended stays.

Miss you to pieces!!

Anonymous said...

Note to self: Add Murphy to the checklist before lube and condoms.