Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

Stumblers: If anything strikes your fancy, cover up your fancy and click the "I like it!" button on your taskbar.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Nothing To Do With Fishing

I like fishing.

Well, to be perfectly honest, I like the excuse of fishing. Sitting back in the boat watching the clouds go by, hearing the water lap up next to the boat, maybe with a beer in hand, feeling the cool breeze waft across my face. Honestly, I don't really care if I catch anything. Or even if the hook is baited. It's the action, not the result that makes it enjoyable to me.

But I always wondered about the fish's point of view. Granted, I'm most likely giving them too much credit, but still. It would be like seeing an Oreo pristinely resting atop a linen napkin on a park bench; other people glancing at it, tempted, but passing. Now remember you LOVE Oreos. You would eat them 24/7 if you could, but they're rare and hard to come by. And there's one, unguarded, for the taking. You've eaten them before, but never one presented so tantalizingly. It makes you wary.

In theory it could've been dropped there by accident, or left there by someone that had had their fill already. Regardless, it makes your mouth water just looking at it. You could either throw caution to the wind and take a bite, risking all self-preservation, or let it go and try to put out of your mind how delicious it would have been.

It's taken a lot of time to get over the Oreos. You were forced to go cold turkey. And this one showed up right when you just started not thinking of them constantly.

Just keep swimming
Just keep swimming
Just keep swimming swimming swimming...


Fantastagirl said...

If I was a fish and worms were Oreos, I'd be a dead fish.

Tenacious B said...

How about bait?

mmm, sushi