Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

Stumblers: If anything strikes your fancy, cover up your fancy and click the "I like it!" button on your taskbar.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Getting in shape

In my plan to get even more kickass than I already am, I just now joined a gym. Finally. I decided to go with 24H Fitness. First of all, it's closer to me AND cheaper than the Y. I spoke with Gold's Gym, and they flat out refused to give me a price over the phone. I know that means they want to give me the hard sell. When they gave me a "courtesy call" back about a week ago, I kindly refused. Ok, I'm lying. I laughed, and gave an anatomically impossible suggestion on what to do with a barbell.

Anyway, I found some workout videos so you can play the home game.
These are best with the sound on.

It's almost hypnotic...

I tell you now, don't watch this. After scrubbing my eyes with bleach, it still haunts my dreams.

I challenge you to not crack directly the fuck up. It's like a train wreck. I had to watch it twice.


christelpistol said...

double you

HOLY GOD SNOT i am crying that was so funny!

Allie said...

hi, my name is allie.
( crowd answers, 'hi allie')

i can't stop watching the crazy dog woman, or the dogs, and i can't figure out why they have the one dog in the back with the boner.

i want to stop.
i really do.
but i can't.

and i feel dirty inside.

christelpistol said...

i couldn't even GET to the part with the dogs in that one. her creepy arms and legs... ummmm.. creeped me out.

i wanna know what the hell that foookin WHACKJOB was trying to tone, stretch, work out in the bottom one.

Tenacious B said...

Al- I know what you mean. I have to take a shower after watching that, and the BLOOD WON'T COME OFF MY HANDS

CP- If you ever get a chance to watch the full video (and trust me, you don't) she even mentions that the exercises are for "toning your face" and admits it "looks a bit silly." I nominate that as the understatement of the millenia.

Daniel said...

Unbelievably funny! Please find more interesting vids to watch..thanks