Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Yep, On The Road Again

Whoever invented 5 am should be dragged out into the street and shot.

Three hours of sleep is pushing the envelope, even for an insomniac like me. This was because I stayed up until about 2 waiting for a phone call. I'm funny that way.

Right now I'm having my first cigarette of the morning, and getting ready to head down to San Antonio for work. It's only about a 90 minute drive, so it's just a day trip. I also get to take my folks out for dinner tonight, so it's not a total loss.

HOWEVER, then I come home and get to pack for yet ANOTHER trip. That's right. Because I'm such a wonderful, dedicated employee that doesn't want to get fired, I'm heading out for the D/FW area tomorrow for a three day trip.

Think about that.

Tomorrow. As in Wednesday. As in July 4th. I will spend our Independence Day traveling. for. work. So if there are any cute girls out there near Fort Worth that want to spend July 4th with a REALLY kickass guy, drop me a line. I'll bring the scotch.

I'm starting to believe that my job sucks.

UPDATE: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I get pulled over on the way. Omen, anyone?


Ian Townsend said...

hey... Ill be here in dallas until the night of the 4th. you should drop by. get my number from my sis.

christelpistol said...

i will be AT work too, my friend. they always say, Misery Loves Company.

Tenacious B said...

They ALSO always say, "You can lead a horse to water, but you shouldn't catch your testicles in your zipper."

Oh wait, I'M the one that says that.

Ian, Sorry I didn't call. Your sis should've called and explained.