Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving At The Tenacious'

As I said, today was a good day.

The celebration is winding down, we had a nice day of turkiness and wine. I got to see just about all of my family. The only absences were one of my brothers-in-law and one of my nephews, who were hunting (no judgements here). I also upgraded my folks' computer and we had wine. Lots of wine.

I mentioned before, I have the greatest family in the world. A big reason for this maintaining in my mind (and others', I'm certain) is that we drink in bulk. It's not that my family is hard to deal with, but instead it seems that it makes the same stories we hear every time, little quirks, and idiosyncrasies endearing rather than annoying.

Anyway, back to my thoughts on Thanksgiving...

It occurred to me this morning that Thanksgiving is the perfect holiday. Not for the gluttony, drinking, or football, but instead because this day has successfully defended itself against capitalism and commercialism.

Think about it, the only thing that is involved, or expected with today is family, fun, sharing, and gratefulness. No shopping involved (other than for mastication pleasure), no gifts expected, no big to-dos...just sharing and being.


My Mom just brought out guacamole, so I'm gonna cut this short. But you get the general idea.

Make sure you tell those dear to you how important they are to you.

And Happy Thanksgiving!


Fantastagirl said...

You understand why I love Thanksgiving - FAMILY... Fantastic Post.

Allie said...

i love a good family day.

my family and i are broadway dorks, so we played music games after dinner, good times.

i love when we all just talk and laugh - i'm glad you had good times too.

yay for you.

christelpistol said...

i had thanksgiving with 2 of my 3 families. and it was goooodness.

glad you had a nice time.

Tenacious B said...

FG- Thanks! That means a lot.

Allie- On Friday Dad, one sis and I sat around playing cards and arguing about the rules (BTW, my Dad TOTALLY cheats). It was a good day.

CP- Hope you didn't neglect the other one... ;)