Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Very Murphy Christmas

I want to reiterate that Murphy's a funny pooch.

Last night I wasn't at my best. I had made dinner, put in some movies and had a few (read: a lot of) drinks. I fell asleep on the couch somewhere during the second feature. Now through the first movie, Murphy was asleep on my legs. But towards the end he got up, glared at me a sec, and said, "screw this, I'm going to bed." And he did. Stopped off to get a quick sip of water and then headed upstairs.

Sometime later, I must've turned off the tv and decided to just sleep there, because I was awakened at 3am to a pitch black room and a cold nose on my cheek. It was similar to the times that Jean would come into the computer room and say, "Honey, it's late. Come to bed."
Hell, it was EXACTLY like that. Murph nudged me a few times, and then stood at the foot of the stairs, waiting. He didn't move until I walked over, and then he silently followed me back upstairs and jumped into bed, falling immediately asleep.

It was that point that I knew for certain that he was happy being here, with me. That's a good feeling.

Anyway, he was pleasantly surprised when he woke up again that Santa had left a Kong, a chewy and a tug rope for him right on the bed. He yawned, gave me a wink and licked the hell out of the chewy until he fell asleep again with it in his mouth.

Off to make breakfast for about 80 people downtown. I 'll check with you later.

UPDATE: I just got home to take a shower and pick him up, and he was asleep on his blankie, his head resting on all three presents in a pile. Too bad he got up before I could get out my camera.


Fantastagirl said...

Doggies love Christmas just as much as the kids - NoSammyNo - loved her new bone, and squeaky squirrel.

I'm glad Santa was good to Murphy as well!

Nicole said...

I love me some pooches. Does Murph have a brother? or sister?

Tenacious B said...

FG- Give NoSammyNo a big ole kiss from me

SS- 3 brothers, 1 sister. And I have no friggin idea where they are (He was a discount doggie, i.e. Free To A Good Home)