Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

Stumblers: If anything strikes your fancy, cover up your fancy and click the "I like it!" button on your taskbar.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Val...Aww, who Am I Kidding?

It's that day again.

And I'm torn.

The romantic guy in me has all sorts of great feelings associated with Feb 14th (and ask any of my exes, I AM THAT GUY), with no outlet. This isn't a "woe is me" thing, this is more of a "being single sucks" thing. What makes it worse is the commercialism that has been oozing from everywhere. Online, commercials, even in WoW (You heard me). It's everywhere.

I was supposed to cook dinner for someone special tomorrow too, but that just got canceled. It wasn't a date or a V-Day thing, but it still would've been a nice diversion. So yeah, today's turning out a winner.

So my friend Lillith and I decided to have a little pity party of our own. We've been cock-blocking each V-Day thing that's been coming up for one another (a full time job), and we're getting together tonight to watch movies, have dinner, do laundry (I'm TOTALLY using her for her major appliances) and forget this day even happened.

The high point of my day was getting a Valentine card from my Mom & Dad. It was really cute and sweet, but it seemed to make the glaring omission of my "singleness" more apparent. Thanks though, folks. It DID make me smile.


Lilith just called and asked me to pick up some butter on the way for dinner, and I decided 5 seconds after that it was a sign from the heavens to pick up wine in bulk too.

And for all you happy couples out there, have a really nice time tonight and kiss my ass.

Ok, rant is over.


Fantastagirl said...

Don't know if this makes you feel any better but...I am married AND... this is what I'm doing tonight:
1) taking care of 1 sick kid
2) doing laundry and cleaning house
3) my V-Day supper? I made it for me and the kids - (mr. I is having supper with a friend before a meeting)
4) kids are now in bed and I'm left to the internet...

So just cause you have someone doesn't mean that you will have a date for valentines day.

(I'm not pissed that Mr. I is not here - it's not that big of a deal to us.)

Diane Mandy said...

Been there. Hope you have a happy AFTER valentine's day. (THat would be today, btw)