Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Modern Medicine

I'm sick.


On Friday I started feeling bad again. Definite flu-like symptoms. This concerned me because as you may recall, I already had the flu not too long ago.

I'm starting to think there's something to this "life satisfaction" talk. Mostly because of my job. Before I started working here, I NEVER got sick. Now it seems like I'm sick all the time. Maybe I should have my office checked for asbestos...

By Saturday I was a hurtin' cowpoke, spending most of my weekend in bed. And not the "good" kind of weekend like that either. I probably slept about 30 hours Sat & Sun alone. With the aches and the coughing and the sneezing and and and.

By yesterday I was done with it. I wasn't even remotely feeling better, so I made an appointment at the Austin Regional Clinic, which has the personality of a free clinic, minus the whimsy. I was there for 40 minutes, in which I saw the doctor for a total of 4. In fact, he only listened to a couple of things I said, wrote me a couple of Rx, shook my hand, and left. I wasn't sure if I was done, if I needed to check out, pee in a cup, anything. So I left. I had already paid my copay, so as far as I was concerned I was done.

As what happens quite often in my life, I decided to take matters into my own hands. While I was waiting for my Rx to be filled, I stocked up on all sorts of OTC meds, vitamins, herbal supplements, and vitamin water (LOVE that stuff). I also ran by Jamba Juice on the way back to the office and picked up a Coldbuster. I figured I'll at least give my body a fighting chance (cue Eye Of The Tiger).

I'm off on a business trip tomorrow, so we'll see what I can make happen by then.

And because SOME PEOPLE (not mentioning any names) think it's just in my head, here's a blurb from IM earlier with Lillith...

Me: ok, you want evidence that I'm really sick?
She: sure
Me: I haven't had coffee since Thursday
She: WHAT?
Me: I'm on the same pack of cigs I opened on Fri
She: dang
Me: and I haven't rubbed one out since Thurs
Me: [point made]
She: dang
She: i'm scared

Nuff said.


Nicole said...

Get well soon.

Should I have order you a bubble?

Fantastagirl said...

I hope you are feeling better soon!

Tenacious B said...

I am feeling a wee bit better, thanks!