Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

Stumblers: If anything strikes your fancy, cover up your fancy and click the "I like it!" button on your taskbar.

Monday, September 24, 2007

I'm in Awe

No matter what you drive, it will never be as awesome as this:

And yes, it's got a hemi.


Fantastagirl said...

If Pan (my 7 yr old) saw this he would be sooo jealous.

Tenacious B said...

Awww, c'mon...

You can TOTALLY get away with impeccable behavior for the next three months, just by laying down some serious early Santa groundwork with that.

And then Pan will learn an even more powerful lesson: Life's unfair.