Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008


It's Girl Scout Cookie time.

Last week in the office breakroom there was an order sheet for the latest and greatest in cookie goodness from one of our IS guys. And I appreciated it. Most places I've worked, when GSC time came around, the parents would become marketing ninjas, leaping out from behind filing cabinets and holding puppies at ransom until we bought thin mints by the gross. It's effective, but usually makes me fantasize about beating them into submission with a cybernetic shark until their chest exploded, and filling the gaping hole in their chest with flaming shortbread cookies.

Not that I'm bitter.

And that's why I really appreciated this. No "Hey, you wanna buy some cookies" tactics like a middle-aged crack dealer. Just, "Here's the sheet if you want to buy some." And I did. I bought some shortbread cookies to dunk in coffee, some peanut butter sandwiches to break apart and stuff in Murphy's kong, and some thin mints because girls seem to like em. The next day was my first day sick, and on Monday I picked them up.

I forgot them in my office yesterday, bolting out the door to pass out (still a little under the the weather). I showed up this morning, anxious to have my soul die at work a wee bit more, and the cookies were gone.



(and no, this was not another Truck Incident)

My company is kind of small, only about 40 employees total, so my best guess is the cleaning staff, or more accurately the kids they bring with them.

I've decided to let it go, because in the grand scheme of things, it's not really worth it.

But I still want a cookie.


Anonymous said...

I've got something that will make you forget all about those cookies.

christelpistol said...

you buyed cookies and they eated them?

Fantastagirl said...

Damn - if I knew any girl scouts I'd send you some. Cookies that is, not the girl scout.
That sucks - I love the thin mints!

Allie said...

are the cookies made from real girl scouts?

christelpistol said...

aren't they always?

Ian Townsend said...

They are made from the girls who don't cut it. Only the strong survive... the rest get peddled as delicious treats.

christelpistol said...

OMG, i think Ian might be on to something.

that would explain "Chicken of the Sea". silly chickens, thinking they are fish.

Tenacious B said...

Turns out I DID send a company-wide email, and was met with overwhelming...
