Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

Stumblers: If anything strikes your fancy, cover up your fancy and click the "I like it!" button on your taskbar.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Thank You

Everyone should be told regularly how special and important they are. Not necessarily as an ego boost, but it gets really easy to forget.

So without further adieu,

ChaCha- You are an incredible woman. You helped me find the kickass guy you see today. I (heart) you for being you. The complete package. You put the stars in my eyes. Take good care of my heart, for it still belongs to you.

N- You're one of my closest, dearest friends. You and I are kindred spirits, and we are the foundations from which we both can build. Thank you for being in my life.

Mr. McGuillicutty- We haven't spoken in years, yet I still consider you my best friend. You are the only person I have EVER played straight man to. Hopefully we shall find one another again, and rekindle that kind of lifelong friendship that is legendary. Plus, your wife is really hot.

Jesus and The R.A.- Same goes for you. Let's go to Vegas! (Or Bossier).

A- You're a new player in my life, and I see this friendship heading far forward. Thanks for reminding me something about myself. Great minds think alike, even if they are a bit deviant. Like Mr.McG, you seem to be the type that can get us into serious trouble, legal or otherwise. See you at the bail hearing.

To everyone else in my life, past, present, and future- I would not be this person without all of you. Since I am so awesome, you all are awesome by association... Even the tools and the fartknockers I've known.

Thank you.


christelpistol said...

you're mighty introspective today...

feels good, huh?

Allie said...

i saw NOTHING about me in this post - so i'm assuming you mistakenly posted a draft version of this blog entry ;)

christelpistol said...

hmmmm... i JUST noticed that too!

musta been a draft.

Ian Townsend said...

And hey... you have all the support you need... you just gotta look behind you. I should know... my sisters been behind me kicking me in the ass for like 3 or 4 years now...

christelpistol said...

the boy is wise. and speaks the truth.

Tenacious B said...

Uhhh...yeah, a draft.

But I DO have something to thank you for, Allie. Was a time you were a big supporter of this team. My own booster club. I appreciate that. A lot. It helped.

And Ian, I have tons of support, but I hardly ever let the support happen. I guess I'm so kickass that I have to do everything myself.