Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

Stumblers: If anything strikes your fancy, cover up your fancy and click the "I like it!" button on your taskbar.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

100 Things

More about me than you probably wanted to know.
Inspired by Mr. Fabulous over at Pointless Drivel.

1. All modesty aside, I think I'm a pretty amazing guy
2. I always wanted to be a teacher
3. But I never graduated from college
4. I talk louder than I think I do
5. I occasionally steal stuff from restaurants (a napkin, the odd spoon)
6. I'm an insomniac. I sleep about 4 hours a night.
7. My shoe size is 15 ½ EE (I swear)
8. I'm a horrible singer and dancer
9. I love to do both
10. I'm so old I remember watching Star Wars in the theater
11. I know American Sign Language
12. The first grown-up book I ever read was The Red Badge of Courage
13. I grew up in a small country town in Texas
14. My first job was hauling hay
15. People don't believe that
16. The Godfather is my favorite movie of all time
17. But have seen Airplane! More times. By far.
18. I grew up with Henry Thomas (ET, Suicide Kings)
19. I like blended scotch better than single malt
20. I have to wash my hands before AND after I pee
21. I fold Origami
22. People think I'm better at it than I am
23. Same with painting
24. I have a thing about women in boots
25. I think I'm too nice a guy
26. I was once a standup comic
27. I was really bad at it
28. I overthink things. A lot.
29. I'm a really cheap date. For such a big guy, I get drunk quite easily
30. I've been divorced for almost a year
31. I was married once for six years
32. My family thinks I was only married for two
33. I always wanted to learn carpentry
34. I like smoking, but hate that I'm a smoker.
35. I play World of Warcraft WAY too much
36. I can stop whenever I want
38. People don't believe that I never had braces.
39. One day I WILL own a 1972 El Camino SS.
40. Most people have stopped reading by now
41. I want a family more than anything
42. I've broken 7 bones in my life
43. I have no idea where my best friend from college is.
44. I like to play Blackjack, and I'm pretty good at it
45. I was once a stockbroker. Best company I ever worked for.
46. If I ever move out of Austin again, it'll be to move overseas.
47. I think I look best in black
48. Everyone else thinks I look best in blue
49. I have a scar on my finger from when one of my sisters cut it with a hatchet
50. When I get excited about something I pace and gesture wildly with my hands
51. I could eat sushi every day
52. Ducks crack me up
53. I spend entirely too much time and money on my hair
54. My favorite sound in the world is cicadas on a hot summer day
55. I don't have any tattoos (yet)
56. I'm a huge coffee snob
57. I know way too much useless information for my own good
58. My favorite singer is Dean Martin.
59. I am the youngest of three, and the only boy
60. My sisters beat me up a lot as a kid.
61. I am a Virgo, but doesn't really know what that means.
62. Camping is my favorite thing to do on the weekend
63. My 30th Birthday was the worst day of my life
64. I spent it in jail. Really.
65. I am a diehard liberal
66. I have random theories on just about anything
67. I donate 10% of every paycheck to charity
68. I'm extremely ticklish.
69. I moved to Denver to be with my (ex)wife
70. Only my closest friends have gotten this far. I love you all
71. I fell in love with my best friend. Hard.
72. It wasn't reciprocated
73. Weird stuff happens to me quite regularly. It's a family curse.
74. It bugs me to leave the toilet seat up
75. I collect a lot of things, including autographs, Pez, and business cards.
76. I usually take two showers a day.
77. I volunteer a lot. Mostly working with dogs.
78. I love dogs.
79. I can't sleep unless my feet are covered
80. I tell people I work out 5 days a week
81. I really work out 2-3
82. I have the greatest family in the world
83. I use ellipses and parentheses WAY too much
84. I mostly watch Educational TV
85. And cartoons
86. I have hazel eyes, but they turn green when I'm…"excited" about something
87. I was once homeless for a short time.
88. My favorite TV show is Coupling, favorite American show is The Dick Van Dyke Show
89. I think I'm a good looking guy
90. I didn't until about a year ago
91. I met Drew Barrymore once, when she was 8 and annoying
92. I believe Portuguese is the most beautiful language on the planet
93. At any given time, I will have seven blog posts in progress
94. Six of these will never see the light of day
95. I give really good hugs
96. I hate guns. With a passion.
97. I got stuck on 57 when making this list
98. I procrastinate a lot
99. I have ADD, get destracted easily, and have no short term memory.
100. So I have trouble finis


christelpistol said...

i knew about 88% of those. maybe more.

and i am glad that i know them. and you.

Ian Townsend said...

i read the whole thing.

arent i cool.

and I didnt know most of that stuff.

Nicole said...

Hmph... I did not know 25 of these things. Do I even know you? Wait, what is your name? BOO! We must talk more.

*And, no I can not explain why I kept count... um, freak-creepish.

Allie said...

i read all of this.

i did not know about your hair issues.

i like you EVEN MORE now.

Fantastagirl said...

I read all of it.

I didn't know most of them...

and once I saw your shoe size, I determined that if anything would ever happen to Mr. Incredible... I'd find you. (J/K)

Have a good one!

Tasty said...

Eu li todo o ele. E eu falo o português.

christelpistol said...

OH right....

Tasty IS portuguesa!

Tenacious B said...

Ian- Why yes. You are. (BTW, don't know if your sis told you, but for some technical reason I can't comment on yours. Only yours. /shrug)

Supe- Your my very favorite stalker

Allie- You have NO idea. Ask ChaCha how much I pay for my haircuts.

FG- The rumors are true. I have a very tiny package. minuscule.

Tasty- /drool

CP- How DARE you leave out that little tidbit

Ian Townsend said...

it happens... but I know you read it anyways.

christelpistol said...

it's spelled YOU'RE.

HA! finally!

Tenacious B said...

Shit. I NEVER do that,

and never will again.