Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Monday, August 6, 2007

A to Z

I'm working on telling you all about my class yesterday, but I'm feeling kind of lazy. So I stole this meme from ChaCha, who stole it from Allie and Angela, whole stole it from.... (You get the idea)

A - Available? Yes, but off the market

B - Best Friend - ChaCha (Known whereabouts), Mr. McGuillicutty (MIA)

C - Crush - That'll take some time and a really powerful computer to compile

D - Dad's Name - Walter

E - Easiest Person To Talk To - Miss Divine and ChaCha, except when she thinks about what she's saying.

F - Favorite Band- Recliners

G - Gummy Bears Or Worms- Worms. Dur. Especially when you hang them out of your mouth and pretend to be a zombie.

H - Hometown - San Antonio

I - Instrument - piano, although the accordion has its place

J - Job - target for management hostility

K - Kids - none (sigh)

L - Longest Car Ride - in one go? probably from Dallas to South Florida. No stops.

M - Milk Flavor - uhhh... cow?

N - Number Of Siblings - 2

O - One Wish - I wanna be a maniacal Supervillian, hell-bent on world domination

P - Phobias - Clowns with machetes

Q - Favorite Quote - "Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value" - Albert Einstein

R - Reason To Smile - Every moment of every day of my life. Oh, and ChaCha.

S - Song You Last Heard? - Listening to "Allison" by Elvis Costello as I'm typing this

T - Time You Woke Up - 7:00, 7:09, 7:18, 7:27 (damn snooze button)

U - Unknown Fact About Me - I giggle every time I see a duck

V - Vegetable - Favorite: spinach (raw) Least favorite: spinach (cooked)

W - Worst Habits - I'm too awesome for my own good... oh, and procrastination

X - X-Rays You've Had - Every part of my body at one point or another

Y - Your Favorite Food - Cheese Enchiladas (Mmmmm... cheese).

Z - Zodiac Sign - Virgo

1 comment:

christelpistol said...

that duck thing cracks me directly the fuck up... not only cause of the idea behind it, but also cause it's Cute As Hell!!!!

and i was thinking the same thing about accordions the other day too...