Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Sunday, August 5, 2007

Can't sleep...

This isn't the normal insomnia, or even the "B's brain is working too much."

I'm excited.


Squirming with excitement.

I mentioned a while back that I was going to focus more on pumping my life up. That included volunteering more. So I called around and found a new (additional) volunteer gig.

I'm teaching! First class is tomorr... err... this afternoon.

I always wanted to be a teacher, but I still have at least four semesters to go to graduate. BUT TODAY, I WILL BE A TEACHER!

It's not a normal class, with curriculum or texts, or anything like that. I'm going to be teaching Life Skills to transitional homeless people. There's a local organization that actually works to get people off the streets (one of my big causes). They help get them a job, apartment, transportation, etc.

So the first Sunday of every month they have to come in to learn about communication, anger management, education, socialization, budgeting, credit, etc. All the stuff we normally deal with on a regular basis, yet take for granted.

And in case you missed it, I'M GOING TO BE TEACHING IT!

But I have to admit, I'm a little nervous. Most of my volunteer work deals with those of the four-legged variety. I have done some stuff with Habitat for Humanity, and food banks, etc. But rarely have I worked so closely on an interactive scale. I'm not worried about my ability or knowledge on the subjects. It's that these people will be looking to me for guidance to change their lives. It's a big responsibility. But it's also why it's so important. I will be making the world a better place, one person at a time.

I'm almost vibrating...


Allie said...

believe it or not.

that's what i used to do for a living. i have MANY resouces and agendas and what not for teaching just that ( i think i did it for about 12 years, no fo' real )

it's rewarding, and i hope you love it. if you want any advice or whatever - let a girl now.

yay you, dream follower.

Tenacious B said...

Not as much "dream follower" as "dream stalker."


My goals are going to have to get a restraining order.

christelpistol said...


i just got Hot For Teacher stuck in my head!

Tasty said...

Dude! The way you feel? This is obviously part of your genius. Congratulations on putting yourself out there in such a significant way. YAY!!!!

Tenacious B said...

I promise I'll leave this world better than I found it.

And by "leave" I mean on a spaceship.

I am going to live forever, you know.