Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

Stumblers: If anything strikes your fancy, cover up your fancy and click the "I like it!" button on your taskbar.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

And The Week Begins Anew

On Sunday I loaded up the dog and drove down to my sister's house for Zombie Jesus Day.

We were both excited. For me, I get to see my parental units and my sister's family, including two of the funniest kids you'll ever want to meet. For Murphy, it's a paradise with acres to run, cows to bark at, kids to play with, and numerous random dead things to roll around in.

Good times.

But it was really a good visit. There wasn't much discomfort as with the holidays, and I had a blast being the cool uncle again.

An interesting event happened though. I was helping out the sis in the kitchen, and mentioned I had a late night the night before because of a hot date. My sister looked up and said, "Oh, you mean Pepper?"


Do you ever have those moments when you're running along at a good clip, get distracted by a shiny thing, lose your rhythm and trip over your own feet?

My brain did something like that.

She then said (quite casually), "Yeah, I've been reading your blog."
Oh, and L... /WAVE

It never occurred to me that someone in my family was that interested in my blog. It isn't that they aren't interested in my life, but my life is a bit out of their circle. I know I'm not explaining it well, but that's all I got.

So anyway, we had a great time, I got kisses and hugs from L's spawn, and Murphy's still passed out (he did eat something that gave him a tummyache, but he's fine now).

And my Mom only made one church reference.

It was a good day.


Diane Mandy said...

You are very brave to give any family member your blog address. I couldn't do it.

Fantastagirl said...

My family doesn't know about my blog, if they did, I wouldn't blog.

Nicole said...


If my family knew, I would have a lot of explaining to do.

Tenacious B said...

Honestly, I don't know how she found it. I think one time I was showing her something on the blog and she remembered the URL. She's a sneaky, smart one, she is.