Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

FOR SALE: 2003 Black Poot, Low mileage

One owner, never been raced. (/wink)

As much as I Love my dog, sometimes he gets on my LAST nerve.

Yesterday started out normal, he glanced up as I was leaving for work, then promptly went back to sleep. As I walk in the door during lunch, I discovered that he took everything he owns on my bed; including his blankies, bowls (which he was considerate enough to dump out beforehand), his kong, numerous chewies, scores of toys, etc. all the way upstairs. He made a fort on top of my pillow. he even managed to push the comforter aside to build his little plush sanctuary. As cute as it was, it ticked me off because of the mess factor, especially since now the amount of black fur (not to mention the other little things) has grown to epic proportions where I sleep.

And that was just by noon.

Upon arriving home from work, this time remembering to leave the bedroom door closed, I was greeted by a very innocent-looking puppy on the couch, with a "wasn't me" look on his face. I know that look, and am prepared for anything I may find. It didn't take long. He managed to drag my suitcase up the stairs into the spare room. With all the traveling I do, I leave my suitcase downstairs, so all I have to do is throw in clothes and I'm good to go. So there was a trail of toiletries, books, business cards and assorted miscellany leading upstairs.

This was actually kinda cute (albeit annoying). When he does something funny like this, I imagine his thoughts, and have it narrowed down to:
A) "If he can't find his suitcase, he can't go traveling any more,"
B) He felt bad about the morning incident, and wanted to make up by straightening up.

Ok, so they're both lies. But it makes it easier to deal.

The next couple of hours were pretty uneventful, until he began to get into a VERY heated debate with the dogs next door. Don't know what they were arguing about, but apparently all three felt strongly about it.

That lasted until about 10, when he started chiming in with "and another thing" barking frenzy. Lillith can attest to that, as I was on the phone with her at the time.

I finally got him settled down, or more appropriately he fell asleep on my foot on his own. All was quiet on the Western front until I went to bed around 2.

That was a mistake.

He started in on the barking again. Not loud, but the grumbles, the growls, that little woof under his breath. There was nothing I could do to make him stop, until he finally exhausted everything he had to say around 4:30 and passed out.

So this morning, I'm grumpy, tired, and the last thing I want to do is mess with him. But I'm sure I'll head home during lunch, he'll yawn, jump off the couch, and run to jump on me, smothering me with fur and puppy kisses.

I hate him for being so f'ing cute.


Anonymous said...

I'll take the Murphster. He loves me more anyway!

Tenacious B said...

Yeah he does, the little traitor. But you wouldn't be able to handle the fur, member? He is a shedding machine...

Anonymous said...

That's what vacuum cleaners are for.

christelpistol said...

cute Doodle

i love it when a plan comes together!


Fantastagirl said...

Poor Murphy - he's just misunderstood. He's missing you big time!

seraphicgirl1986 said...

i would not have read through anyone's blog post about their dog.
but yours is just so "f'cking" cute ;)

Tenacious B said...

Lil- tryin to say somethin?

CP- Don't encourage him.

FG- He's SO not. He is what he is

PCE- He is pretty popular...