Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Doggie Wars- Update

See the first installment here.

I made my decision. Shadow needs a good home, and I'm the one to give it to him. Thank you all for helping me realize that.

But sometimes the universe makes other plans.

Every so often, like yesterday, I go to the rescue website for a puppy fix. On the home page, I just happened to notice the "Adoptables" tab, and guess who's handsome mug was on the tab?

I'll give you a hint:

Uh-huh. You guessed it. I'd know that face anywhere.
And if this wasn't a sign, I didn't know what could be.

I clicked on the link, scrolled down to him, and got kicked in the chest by two simple words:

"Adoption Pending"

Just like that. I immediately called my volunteer coordinator, the hotline, the pope, and anyone else I could possibly think of, leaving voicemails all over the planet. And I wait.

I tell Miss Divine and ChaCha, and start playing the "hurry up and wait" game. But no more than 30 seconds later, I get an IM out of the blue from Ginger, a friend I hadn't really spoken to in a while, and didn't think I'd be hearing from again. The IM reads: "Maybe this is the universe's way of telling you to take Murphy." Just like that. And she wasn't even talking about THIS. She sent me that because she had JUST read Monday's post.


Got nothin.

So I got her up to speed, she said something clever about being psychic, and we got off shortly after.

Regardless, I'm waiting to hear back from the Rescue, and I'll let you know.

If he DOES get put into a good home, I'll ask for Murphy.

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." -John Lennon

(4:00 UPDATE: I just got off the phone with Sandy, one of the adoption coordinators. She told me that the meet with the applicants is this weekend, and she'll let me know. ALSO, she told me that Shadow is now heartworm negative!! YAY SHADOW!!! Anyway, she sounded extremely sad that I was a couple of days too late on the Application, and said that she was crossing her fingers that it wasn't a match. I told her no. I'm crossing my fingers FOR the match. It's not important that I wanted him. What was more important than anything was that Shadow has a great home, because he deserves one. She almost cried.

I won't know anything until this weekend, so I'll post as soon as I find out anything. Who knows, they have a lot of "Gems" (seniors), and I'm still in their system as a foster dad. Time will tell)


christelpistol said...

regardless.... either Doodle will be perfect. and it's funny how the universe works...

cause in the end, they are happy doggies. and thats all that matters.

Nicole said...

The universe works 10 degrees off center at times.

I think you should take both of them home and throw in Buster as well.

You have a ton of love to give; so click that remote and make it happen.

Tasty said...

Hooray for all y'all. Furry and not so furry. Hugs, Mr. B!

Tenacious B said...

CP- It's all about the pootches

SS- Working on my Doggie Ranch as we speak

Tasty- I can't wait to have fur-covered furniture as a problem.