Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

Stumblers: If anything strikes your fancy, cover up your fancy and click the "I like it!" button on your taskbar.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


It's overcast, muggy and wet this morning, the fog hanging in the trees like a wet blanket. Some might even say dismal and dreary.

And I'm in a great mood.

In two days it will be one year since my divorce. That's NOT why I'm in a great mood, by the way. Just that every time an anniversary of sorts comes up, it triggers a preponderance of memories of that past year, and this one was a doozy.

In it I fell in Love, began to create this life for myself, made some marvelous decisions, made some bad decisions, made some realizations, started this blog, did about 150 hours of volunteer work, survived my job, had my heart shattered, decided to start a business, made some lifelong friends, created, learned that I'm a great guy, wrote about 200 pages in my journal, lost a house, lost all my money, worked hard, and learned a lot about myself.

This was probably the hardest year of my life, and up to now the most important.

Each one of these milestones makes me ask myself the following questions:
Did I learn anything?
Did I teach anything?
Am I closer or farther away from my goals?
How am I doing?
Did I make a difference?
Am I closer to those I Love and care for?
Is the world a better place now?

I like the answers I'm giving myself.

I am a better person than I was, and the universe is responding.


Tasty said...

Eu sou assim feliz para você, meu caro.

Tenacious B said...

Pare-o. Você está começando-me excitado com suas palavras bonitas.

E obrigado.

Tasty said...

Woo-hoo! I got purty words! And they're workin'! ;-)

christelpistol said...

Um número não equivale a outra .... flirt.

Allie said...

iway inkthay isthay imetay ashay ervedsay ouyay ellway, ou'reyay away ettypray oolcay othermay utshay ouryay outhmay.

Nicole said...

Quiero chupar su sangre.