Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Taking My Mood Back

Yesterday didn't get much better after I went home. So I woke up this morning, took a deep breath, and told the Universe, "Screw you! I'm taking my world back."

I had no idea what I meant by that, but it felt good to say.

Funny how when you decide on something you notice/think about things that would normally miss.

I got ready for work and had a few minutes, so I decided to start things out right by getting me coffee and breakfast. I went to the Church of St. Arbucks, and as I was walking across the parking lot, a lady got out of her car and not gracefully dropped a stack of papers on the ground. It was this point that the wind chose to pick up and almost immediately the lot became a flurry of white. This was obviously not her day either. We spent the next 5 minutes running after the impromptu kites, dodging traffic and other people walking in oblivious to our task like a warped version of Frogger. By the time we got the last recoverable scrap (some had blown into the street after all) we were sweating, disheveled, and laughing. She thanked me and she set about the task of resorting the clusterfuck of papers in her arms.

Ok, NOW I needed coffee. Good thing I still had $5 on a gift card I got for my birthday. I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to coffee. Never got the whole Skinny-doubleshot-mocha-nofoam-caramel-mocchiato thing. For me: Large Drip. Black. Period. Best part about it is I can usually get out of there for about two bucks. Anyway, after swiping my card and doing a bit of mental math, I told the cashier to put the balance of the card on the latte of the lady behind me in line. And no, never saw her before. I just felt like making someone's morning a little better. The lady gave me a look like I was going to pull out an assault rifle at any time and start busting caps all over the place. Instead, I gave her a smile and told her to have a great morning.

At this point I'm now late for work due to my tangents. Ah well, as long as I'm already late I'll grab breakfast. I got me a breakfast sammich and an OJ, and headed off to my WONDERFUL job. But at the first light, I saw a homeless guy holding a sign. I'm a huge advocate for the homeless, but still rarely give handouts (that's a convo for another time). Still, he seemed really sad. Not the "woe is me" face that most of the homeless in Austin give you to bump their take. This was a genuine sadness that you can feel. I rolled down my window and he walked over, a bit slower than you'd expect. I handed him my breakfast. A slow smile crept across his face and he thanked me, the sadness waning a bit, before walking back to his post. As the light changed, he waved as I drove past, his mouth already full.

So here I sit at work, late, sweaty, and hungry...

and much happier than yesterday.


Nicole said...

And this is why I love you so much.

BTW, I have a sign...

Tasty said...

Good essay, esé.

christelpistol said...

dammit i had something sweet to say to all of that... and tasty had to go and ruin it with the funny.

she ALWAYS does that.

anywhoooo.... glad you are having a better day today.

Allie said...

you're good people.

Tenacious B said...

SS- And what does your sign say?

Tasty- Thanks, homes...

CP- Yeah she does, and thanks. Today is better.

Allie- We're ALL good people, in our own way.

Fantastagirl said...

That was really nice of you...and being a gal that has lost a stack of papers in the wind, and have no one help me - thank you (not that the girl today was me) Cause that really makes a bad day worse.

Tenacious B said...

Honestly, to me it has nothing to do with being nice. It has to do with taking control and doing the right thing. It feels good.