I'm On The Pill Now
I did it. I even pinky-swore on it.
I started taking Chantix today.
For those of you not in the know, Chantix is a drug that's supposed to help you quit smoking. Last time I saw my doc, I asked him about it and he wrote me an Rx for it. I was pretty excited to pick up my first month's supply (out of 3), along with my antibiotics from that damn lung infection. The pharmacist grabbed my bags, punched a few buttons on the register, and said, "That'll be $134.99."
In all fairness, my copay for the antibiotics WAS $5. Ironically, if you smoke a pack a day, even at today's insane cigarette prices, it's cheaper to smoke than it is to take this medicine.
[insert rant here]
This is one of the things that really bugs me about modern health care. Smoking is one of the most major health issues in our society. Insurance premiums are high because of it, and good luck getting life insurance. But insurance will NOT cover the cost of quitting, even if prescribed by a doctor. Modern medicine is not in favor of preventive medicine, only for curing what you have. So insurance will pay for cancer, but not to help you quit smoking. It'll pay for diabetes, but not for preventative dietary supplements. It'll pay for back pain medication, but not for a simple lumbar pillow. Is it just me, or does that seem idiotically backwards?
[end rant]
Many times before I've attempted to quit. It's worked, too... for a bit. I've tried the patches (works REALLY well for the physical cravings, but not for the psychological dependence), the gum, the lozenges (very weird, btw). Acupuncture worked very well for me once, but then again, insurance wouldn't pay for it.
But I always started up again. I feel really optimistic about Chantix, because of HOW it works. Reading the forums on fellow quitters, as well as the website and the profuse amount of documentation in the box'o'pills, all it does is block the receptors in the brain from receiving nicotine. This is the first treatment I've seen where they tell you to go ahead and smoke while you're on the med. Most people on the forums say they didn't have the desire to smoke after 5-6 days.
That's what I want.
I don't think it's wrong to have a cigarette now and then, in fact, it's great with a scotch or a cup of coffee. But I don't want to NEED it any more. I don't want to panic when I light my last one. I don't want to HAVE to smoke.
And after 90 days, I won't.
After all, I am a big quitter.
Seriously, insurance doesn't cover that? Wow...that is messed up. I find that really surprising...
Good for you. Now if we could just get you off the heroin...
the meth is helping
Yea for both of us!!! We both followed through on our pinky swears!
Good luck and congratulations with quitting!
That's quite bullshit that ins wont cover the pills...we are so bass-ackward!
Insurance sucks - trust me I have my own rant - they would cover Viagra, but not the birth control pill (which they now do).
Good luck - you will do awesome!
Lil- Pinky swears are LAW!
Sheila- Not smoke-free yet, but looking forward to retiring the ashtray.
Shell- Don't EVEN get me started again :)
FG- Really? It covers Viagra? Hmmmm. Do they make V that fits in a Pez dispenser?
I find it really surprising insurance doesn't cover medications to quit smoking, just like the fact so many don't cover birth control pills is appalling. Best of luck in your quest to kick the habit. I am proud of you!
Best of luck!
Call me when you get the urge and we can meet for coffee.
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