Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Father's Story

Once upon a time, many years ago, a man and woman gave birth to a son.

They had two children already, two wonderful little girls. But this was the son the husband at her side prayed for. One to carry on his name, his legacy. This was to be his progeny that he could point at in success and say, "That's my son."

As the boy grew up, he drifted from his father. They had very little to say to one another, and there were very few interests they shared. At several points in his life the son knew the pangs of his father looking on him with disappointment in his eyes. This was not the son he wanted. But he loved him still with all of his heart, and wanted nothing but happiness for his child. The daughters he had were successful, well rounded, and complete in their lives. He had asked himself many times where he went wrong. Why was this not the son he asked God for?

They both made a concerted effort to connect, but there was always that gap, that missing piece of the puzzle. They never did.

But they loved each other in spite of the differences. And still do.


I have become a lot like him. Unfortunately it took me over 30 years to realize it. So instead of me saying what gifts I've given to him, Let me take this time to thank him for the gifts he has given me.

Thank you, Dad...
-For the thirst and passion for knowledge. You are one of the smartest men I've ever met, and you have taught me that not by education alone is wisdom acquired.
-For teaching me that others come first. You always put others before yourself, many times quietly and anonymously.
-For loving nature and teaching me to respect it.
-For humor. Even when we were at odds, it seemed that our lives were still full of laughter.
-For teaching me that the family is the most precious thing anyone could have. You are a role model for the perennial family man.
-For being someone I could look up to and respect.
-For filling our home with Love.

I Love you Dad, and even though I am not the son you wanted, I have become a man you can be proud of. And I thank you for it.

I Love you.

Happy Father's Day.


christelpistol said...

dads are cool, huh?

Tenacious B said...

I can't speak generally, but mine sure the hell is