Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Friday, June 29, 2007


WARNING: This post will confuse the hell out of most of you. Still, it's something to think about.

We all have to make choices in our lives every day. Each of those choices define us, recreate our lives constantly. It makes us who we are. We choose to get out of bed, we choose to go to work, we choose to take certain paths, we choose to be the kind of person we want to be. Everything I've done in my life, who I am, is an extension of each decision I have made up to now.

Now here's the hard part...

We are affected by the choices of others. We cannot decide on what others around us choose to do, but we CAN decide on how it affects us. Nietzsche once wrote, "that which does not kill us makes us stronger." That's only half right. It makes us stronger only if we choose to. It's not always easy, but it's that point in which we stand up and take control of ourselves.

A problem that we must face with that is when we make one that hurts ourselves. I had to make a really hard decision today that hurt not only someone I Love very dearly, but myself as well. Was it the right choice? It doesn't matter. What matters is that the choice was made. No, it wasn't necessary to make that decision, but it was best for the moment, and hopefully for the future. For both of us.

The choices we make have a causality. That other person made a choice (several, in fact) that created several paths for me to take. I decided on one, and because of that, I had to make another choice, as did the other person. And so on...

Following me so far?

We have the power within us to create ourselves. Unfortunately that's about the limit. I can only see my universe. We cannot see or create others'.

And regardless of my decision, I still choose to Love.


Allie said...

it seems no matter the question, love is always the best answer. not always the only answer, but the best one.

Tenacious B said...

Makes sense, but not ALWAYS...

It's that choice that caused all the havoc this time.

Ian Townsend said...

i hate it when i read something and feel totally out of the loop. But besides that...

Choices are what make us. Who we are, what we do, where we go.. all choices that have to be made. Sometimes we make the right ones, sometimes we dont. Its a funny little expirament/journey called life.

The only advice a 22 year old who has lived beyond his years can offer is this. Dont regret... if youre gonna fuck up... fuck up going all out and knowing that you still have the chance to rectify down the road. And even if a choice seems to be the wrong one after youve made it... keep going for a bit... what seems wrong at first may seem right later.

Just some brain food for you.

Allie said...


if it's love. always.

if it's something else, not so much.

Tenacious B said...

Ian- I don't have regrets. All the choices I've made in my life have created me, and I dig who I am.

Ask your sis. She'll tell you I'm pretty kickass.

Al- just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Will you send me the letter you wrote, asking the universe for Ms. Right? I believe there must be a flaw. I'll get out my handy bifocals, metal detector and army knife, and check it out. Will return with the results.

Tenacious B said...

Anon- obviously there is some confusion on the term "Anonymous"