Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Monday, June 4, 2007

Good Morning

It's 6am, and I'm awake. I was jostled awake by hearing my phone's messaging alert from the office.

In another room.

Let me say that again.

My phone chimed from the other room.

And it woke me up.

I'm a guy that takes two alarms to wake up in the morning, and yet I very regularly still wake up at 8 with the panicked "Oh Shit" moment. But my phone woke me up. hmmph.

My skill in geekiness has just been raised to 285.

It wasn't anything big. Just a picture from ChaCha sent yesterday afternoon/evening. For some reason lately it takes forever for us to receive pics. But now I'm awake, my coffee's brewing, and it's the start of a brand new day.

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