Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

Stumblers: If anything strikes your fancy, cover up your fancy and click the "I like it!" button on your taskbar.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Typical Weekday Morning

6:30 Hit Snooze button
6:39 Hit Snooze button
6:48 Hit Snooze button
6:57 Turn off alarm by brute force
6:58 Turn on TV to Headline News (Robin Meade... H O T T I E!)
7:00 Hit Snooze button (Alarm 2)
7:09 Tryt to turn off alarm from across the room by throwing TV remote at it.
7:10 Turn off alarm
7:11 Attempt to find batteries that fell out of remote on impact.
7:15 Plod around in daze attempting to figure out what I should be doing
7:22 Start coffee
7:25 Log on to my World of Warcraft account to check my auctions.
7:28 Get cup of coffee.
7:36 Have an "OH SHIT" moment, and realize that I REALLY need to log out. Right after I head to turn in that one quest.
7:43 Log out.
7:44 Remembered that I still need to check my auctions. Log back in.
7:56 Log out.
7:57 Get cup of coffee, set it down right next to the almost full cup I got earlier.
7:59 Turn on shower.
8:02 Convince myself to actually get IN the shower, and stop flexing in front of the mirror.
8:03 Scald all the flesh on my back when neighbor flushes his toilet.
8:12 Get out of shower, dry.
8:13 Notice I forgot to wash my hair.
8:16 Get out of shower, dry.
8:18 Flex.
8:19 Brush teeth & hair, while putting on deodorant at the same time.
8:21 Notice the time. Try to find a shirt that doesn't need ironing.
8:23 Get dressed.
8:26 Flex.
8:28 Go downstairs, pour coffee into travel cup, head out the door sans keys.
8:35 Locate keys.
8:37 Walk out door, start car.
8:41 Locate wallet from downstairs bathroom after brief frenzied search.
8:42 Walk out door, start car.
8:44 Head off to work, hearing the coffee mug as it falls off the bumper.


Anonymous said...

Only then realizing I am not wearing any pants.

Fantastagirl said...

It's a good thing I don't live with you - I would have had to kill you after the first time you hit snooze.

christelpistol said...

and THIS... THIS is why i adore you.

i have witnessed this dance live and in person. and it gets me everytime.

Tenacious B said...

Anony- Don't laugh. That's happened once...once

FG- The Snooze dance is more prevalent when I'm alone. Ask Jean. When I wake up next to someone, I usually only hit the snooze once. But the rest is still pretty accurate.

CP- I gotta be me.