Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Monday, April 23, 2007

Awkward Situation # 216893

I work with a bunch of men, mostly middle-aged to dead. Needless to say, there are quite a few aromas emanating around the office.

Ok, I'll be blunt. I had to take a crap. Upon entering the bathroom, I almost got knocked down by the smell of someone already in there "using the facilities." Right away I knew it was our president. Little guy, pretty nice. I wouldn't say he's old, but his diploma's on tree bark.

As I was saying, the air in the bathroom was thick. Anyone that's ever smelled a bathroom after an old guy's used it knows the smell I'm talking about. I'm talking about eyes-burning, paint-peeling, whatthehelldiedinhere smell. Word of advice to anyone that might meet my Dad: Go before he does, or hold it.

Anyway, I took a deep breath and proceeded to do my business and get in/out of there as quickly as my bowels would let me. Corpsy McDougal left shortly after I started. So I got done in record time. Still holding my breath, I bolted for the door, opened it up, and came face to face with...

the two guys in the office I actually get along with.

Then it occurred to me. Well, the look on their face as the door opened was obvious. It smelled like three-week-old mustard omelet in there, and I'm the only one in there. As I left, they entered, and as the door closed I heard them bust out into laughter behind me.

Gawd, it'll take me a while to get over this one.

-Tenacious "Swampass" B


christelpistol said...

THIS! THIS! is why i don't poop in public.

Terrible lie said...

I would have said something stupid to imply it wasn't me like.."Man it stinks in there."

Tenacious B said...

I'm sure it would've been a "methinks he doth protest too much" moment if I had.

Don't think I didn't consider it.

Besides, saying "Man it stinks in there" might have shown pride in my work. Don't get me wrong, I'll be more than happy to take the blame if it was me. My green badge of courage, in a sense.

Ian Townsend said...

it wont take you as long as you think. Im shocked they could bust out in laughter in the fumes that lingered in that bathroom...

Tasty said...

Three week old mustard omelet cracked me up.

Janna said...

I understand completely, since the same thing happened to me yesterday.
We should form a support group or something.