Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

My gift from ChaCha

I'm sick. As in my internal organs have begun an open revolt.

My office is so lucky I'm even here today. Granted, I'm not going to accomplish much, but at least I'm present.

I feel bad because she wasn't feeling well the past few weeks, and I didn't realize the severity of the overall ick. But that's a little justifiable. My ex (wow, um, I haven't come up with a pseudonym for her yet... anyway) was a hypochondriac. Seriously. She was ALWAYS sick. And so it got to the point that I was very unsympathetic to her various illnesses-du-jour. So this made me realize that when ChaCha says she's not feeling well, she means it.

My dentist cancelled my appointment yesterday afternoon because of the SARS/Hanta/Ebola that I am currently hacking up regularly, and rescheduled for Monday.

I better get a lollipop this time...

1 comment:

christelpistol said...

wow. the sarbola sounds like it sucks.