Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Sunday, April 1, 2007

Why the Democrats need Hillary

I don't like Hillary Clinton. For starters, she's not really qualified to hold office as opposed to many other Dems out there. Also, there's that business with her distancing herself from Bill when he needed her most. Yes, I still hold a grudge about that. In addition, she talks a lot of smack but you never hear about anything she's actually done as a Senator.

That being said, she's the "Great White Hope" for the Democratic party in '08. They need her. Last year, the American people said that enough was enough with our current leaders, and changed teams in an almost unprecidented rally. So what happened after that? Nothing. Zilch. Nada. Tons of Non-binding resolutions, which mean (for wont of a better term) absolutely dick. To me, this was them being that smart little kid in the back of the class with great ideas saying, "We should maybe do this if it's ok with everyone else, but it's fine if you don't want to."Geez, grow some cojones, why don't you?

Which brings us back to Hillary. Laughably, she has the biggest pair of jewels on the Senate floor. She's outspoken, and a way of making people rally to her. She's a very strong speaker, and to be honest doesn't really take any shit. If you haven't seen the last State of the Union address, I encourage you to. Not for the rediculous sludge spewing from Dubya, but for the moments that the camera turns to Hill. I laughed out loud seeing her responses and golf claps. She also seemed to have a smirk on her face that I interpreted as "I can't wait to be the one giving this speech." She's ready to stir the pot, and I think we should let her. She has the personality, the huevos, the charisma, as well as the ability to call it as she sees it. I can't wait to see her in a debate.

Which brings up the question: Is America ready for a woman president? Honestly, with who the American people have elected into office in the last couple of decades, I don't think they'd really care. I'm sure that people ignorant enough to use that as a reason to not vote for someone don't vote anyway.

Besides, who else do the Dems have?
-Obama's there, but even though he's young, charismatic AND black, he doesn't have the ability to raise support, and nobody's taking him seriously. Plus, I haven't been too impressed with his speeches. Go to his website and watch the vids. You'll see what I mean.
-Lieberman is the most intelligent and best qualified for the job. However he has the personality of a wet mop. I get the feeling that during debates in the HSGA Committee, Susan Collins continually sneaks up behind him and gives him a wedgie. Plus, he's one of the few Dems that support the war. BOOOOOOOOO!
-Dodd. Dodd who? It's saying something when he shows up in the polls at LESS than the margin of error.
-John Edwards. He's a smart guy, and arguably the best-looking out of the bunch. But it'll take a while to get the stench of the losing Kerry 2004 ticket off of him.

We need someone to be able to take control of the beurocracy and give it a stern talking to. Since Dean declined the nomination, my support goes to Hillary. Ick.

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