Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Reality is perception. Actuality is what we focus on.

The sage says, history repeats itself. That's true, but only if you never take your eyes off of it.

Remember the past. Remember the good bits, the love, the laughter, the wonderfulness that is your memories. Just as you throw away something broken, discard the things that no longer work in your present. But hang on to the things that do work, the happiness in the past. That'll ensure that only the good history repeats itself.

If you focus too much on how dark the room used to be, you end up failing to see the candle burning there with you right now. See the flame. See the light. I'll keep it burning.

We all choose our memories. Make sure they're the memories that set you in flight, that free you rather than bind you. The world is ours. Come enjoy it with me. Love with me.

We are making new memories today, at this very second.
How I perceive life is dictated by one thing. I constantly ask myself, "Later in my life, will I look on this as a good memory?" If the answer is no, then I look for a way to change either my perception or my procedure. From my life now forward, there are only good memories being created. Everything else is forgotten.

Let's make a wonderful life together. And years from now when we're old, sitting on our porch yelling at kids to get off our lawn, we'll remember these times as the best moments of our lives.

1 comment:

christelpistol said...

and you make me cry yet again today.