Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Too nice a guy

I've heard that before. I'm a good guy. I'm a gentleman.

I hold a door open for a lady, I stand when she enters a room, I pull out her chair, I help her up from her seat. It's not anything chauvanistic, it's that my momma taught me to respect a lady.

ChaCha would like to see me as a "bad boy," which translates to me as "kind of a dick." I've pulled it off a couple of times, and she REALLY likes it.


I don't think I can ever truly me "that" guy. I've lost many a girlfriend in the past to them.

The thing is, I can't see what draws that line. Dangerous? Eh, I've been the motorcycle-riding, chain-smoking, joyriding, fight-starting guy. Adventurous? Chalk up skydiving, spelunking, rock-climbing to that. Anti-establishment? No question there. Aloof? Definitely. Forward? Absolutely. Charismatic? Have you MET me?

But still I maintain the stigma of "nice guy." I'll admit, it is tons o' fun taking full control of a situation. But I still maintain that label.

Eh, fuck it. I am who I am.


christelpistol said...
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Tenacious B said...

Sure you want to open that door?

I seriously doubt there's a way to close it after the fact.

Ian Townsend said...

thats what you gotta be... YOU.