Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Friday, May 11, 2007

My Own Karmic Cleansing

Here are some things in my life nobody ever found out about, and I need room for all the new good energy flowing into my life.

  • When I was 13, a friend of mine named Adam wrote an incredible song. I showed it to everyone else and said it was mine.
  • To Jennifer: At that party on the lake in '88 I kissed Sandra after you left.
  • When I was 14ish I stole a Playboy from the Dad of a friend and let him take the blame. (NOTE TO DADS: Don't leave it it the john)
  • I lied on my resume to get the job at Dell.
  • To my freshman French teacher: I was the one that put the sign on your back. You really didn't deserve it.
  • To Chris: I was the one that started that rumor. (You know which one.)
  • Cal, she left you for me. I know how much you liked her. More than I did or ever could.
  • My entire philosophy term paper was plagiarized. All of it. I made up the sources so you'd never find out.
  • To Becky: I had a really good time taking you out in High School, and I'm a jerk for never ever telling you that. Or calling.

That's just the tip of the iceberg.

But now I can at least leave those bags behind.

Feel free to post your confessions as well. It's a good feeling.
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1 comment:

christelpistol said...


you said "iceberg"