Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Oh, How I Hate Bureaucracy

So originally when I had the pinched nerve, I went downstairs and spoke with my HR department (aka Marie) to see if this was covered under my AFLAC. I mean, if they'll pay me for having an injury, who am I to judge? She then mentioned me perhaps filing this under workman's comp.


No, I told her. This was the first time I've had it, it was a fluke, just something that happened. So after I came back, Marie said that Teresa wanted to talk to me. She's in charge of Administration, and essentially Marie's boss. Well, we kept missing one another until today. I got a speech about what my rights were under the TWCS, a rather lengthy discussion of my posture and office arrangement, and got forms to fill out.

Whoa!! Back up there, cowboy. I told them already I didn't want to claim Worker's Comp. Honestly, I spend almost as much time on my computer at home, possibly causing the issue as well. They kept right on with the discussion.

Next thing I know I'm in my office, with two short middle-aged women hovering over me, evaluating how I sit, like I'm in the final trials for the PanAm Typing and Posture Olympics (PATPO).

These were things actually said during my final set:
"Look at how your knees are. They should be L-shaped."
"No. No. No. No. You're sitting all wrong."
"It doesn't matter how comfortable your chair is."
"Maybe we can move that table where that piece is and move that piece there."

So now they have me sitting in a laughably uncomfortable chair today, while my LAZBOY is sitting across form my desk, mocking me. Hopefully this will light a fire under them to get my chair fixed (I've been trying to get that chair repaired for the last 3 months).

I should have just called in and kept my big mouth shut.

And if they think I will do anything with the forms they gave me other than making airplanes (or even paper mache effigies of them) they are sadly mistaken.

And I'm NOT rearranging my office.


christelpistol said...

you need a new desk first.

Tenacious B said...

What I need is for them to leave me the hell alone.

(Not that I'm bitter or anything)