Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Friday, May 18, 2007


In pain. With a capital P.




24 point font.

My neck's been hurting since Monday. Yesterday morning it was hurting a little more. Regardless, I took a shower and as I lifted my arm to wash my hair, pain shot down my entire left hand side, almost causing me to collapse.

I'm pretty sure my exact words were, "OW?"

It went downhill from there. By 9 I was sitting in the doctor's office, listening to how my computer was the bitch that gave birth to a bouncing baby pinched nerve.

So for the last 15 hours I've been drugged and passed out. I'm on Vicodin & steroids (just something a 6'3" 270lb guy needs). It's been driving me crazy, so I thought I'd throw caution to the wind and do a post about it before I take my next pill.



Fantastagirl said...

Now that's no way to start a weekend - end a weekend maybe...

Hope you get to feeling better soon!

christelpistol said...

feel better soon!

cause i need you to do some computer stuff for me.


Tenacious B said...


I'm a little better.

Of course now I have so many painkillers in me I don't feel much of anything.