Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Stopping to Smell the Flowers... Literally

It's wildflower season here in Texas. They haven't really started to mow the grasses beside the road, so the roadside is awash with colors. I've always been a fan of indian paintbrushes, but I dig all wildflowers. You see the buttercups, the bluebonnets, the thistle, almost too many others.

We'll come back to that.

Was heading off to work, and with four days of being totally useless and in pain, I decided to grab some coffee on the way out. FTR, I'm out of coffee (nudge to ChaCha). Sipping on that steaming cup of liquid orgasm, I felt happy. It was one of those happies that spontaneously combust. No reasoning, no purpose. Just a feeling of joy.

In order to get to my office from the coffee shop, I have to loop around the highway, which involves waiting through a light. A couple of times. So I pulled to a stop at the light. As I normally do, I took in my environment. Looking at the people around me. Some talking on their phone (grr), some singing with the radio, putting on makeup, etc. I flicked the ashes off my cigarette out my open window, and as I did, I saw them. I saw the flowers like I had never seen them before.

Without even thinking about it, I undid my seat belt, opened the door and slid out of my seat. I went to a patch of purple and yellow flowers, picked a couple, and held them to my nose as I inhaled deeply. I drank in their sweet fragrance.

Walking back to the truck, the light had just turned green. I looked at the people behind me, ready to give a "I'm sorry" shrug. But those in the cars behind me were just smiling. One waved.

No road rage, no honking. No middle fingers.

They let me get back in my truck and pull away, all of us better for the day.


christelpistol said...

that's AWESOME.

i love when the world takes life in WITH you.

Fantastagirl said...

That is great! Wish those people would be behind me when the light changes...

Tenacious B said...

People surprise me. I'm trying really had to take it for what it's worth and not read into it.

It was a good morning.