Caffeine-addled ramblings, rants, and random thoughts about my life in pursuit of utter awesomeness and general kickassery.

Stumblers: If anything strikes your fancy, cover up your fancy and click the "I like it!" button on your taskbar.

Friday, May 4, 2007

YAY Mini-Vaca

ChaCha got the weekend off. I know, I was shocked too.

So we're basically playing it by ear, but at least we can see if we aren't beating each other after 2 1/2 days together. This will be the longest stretch together so far.

But, we have plenty of alcohol just in case.

I'll let you know.


Allie said...

did you bring the brown party likker, cause that's the best kind.

Tasty said...

And did I mention how jealous I am that you get to spend that much time with ChaCha?

christelpistol said...

did you bring the brown party likker, cause that's the best kind.

that made me snort